Tuesday, 10 May 2016

Getting there...! by jorgeluisgq

via Instagram http://ift.tt/24MArGD

ge·og·ra·phy jēˈäɡrəfē/ noun 1. the awesome study of the amazing physical features of this beautiful earth and its awe-inspiring atmosphere, brought to you by the #hubble telescope. #geography #rocks #gis #geospatial #earth @redearthgeo

via Instagram http://ift.tt/1ZCqxQZ

Completed in 2003, the Seri Wawasan Bridge is located in Putrajaya, the Malaysian federal administrative capital. The futuristic cable-stayed bridge has a sail ship appearance and spans 168 meters across the Putrajaya Lake. #bridge #architecture #malaysia #lake #digitalglobe #vantagepoint #worldview3 by digitalglobe

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Plotting a route for day 6!#adventuresofAhnaAdiandReggie #reggiesroadtrip by ahnadatraveler

via Instagram http://ift.tt/1T4xfv6

ge·og·ra·phy jēˈäɡrəfē/ noun 1. the awesome study of the amazing physical features of this beautiful earth and its awe-inspiring atmosphere, brought to you by the #hubble telescope. #geography #rocks #gis #geospatial #earth @redearthgeo by redearthgeo

via Instagram http://ift.tt/1ZCqxQZ

Wednesday, 4 May 2016

#maps #theredqueen #glasssword #book #booklove by kayah888

via Instagram http://ift.tt/1Zd2QhR

Battles and military conflicts from 2500bc - 2015. #coolmaps #amazingmaps #map #globe #maps #travel #world #earth by cool_maps

via Instagram http://ift.tt/24qVZbG

18 feet of sectionals. Colorado to Ohio. Stay tuned. #fingerscrossed #flagshiphunt #adventure #crosscountry #travel #airplane #aviation #instagramaviation #instatravel #pilot #pilotlife #maps by offairportgear

via Instagram http://ift.tt/1Zd2NCD

For those of you waking up, remember it's pretty easy to get places. Save yourself from a few coffees, dinners out and those little pieces you don't really need. Soon enough the nickels and dimes turn into possibility! Get out and go and don't stress out too much - if ya work for it and ya want it bad enough chances are you'll make it happen regardless of the obstacles. Don't stand in your own way! #travel #maps #compass #1924us #ventureonward #go #explore #adventure #yes #flatlay #inspiration #australia #woohoo by 1924us

via Instagram http://ift.tt/1SYk5Sx

We've got some new badges! Want to get your hands on them? Easy - just register for the Esri UK Annual Conference and pick them up on the day! www.esriuk.com/ac16 #EsriAC #gis #geography #arcgis by esrigramuk

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by esrieasternafrica

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We're so excited to be with you at #TCEA2016, represented by the one and only Tom Baker! Go Tom! #esri #geoinquiries #connected #map #gis #globeman by esriedconnection

via Instagram http://ift.tt/24qVZZ3

#MappyMonday by Python. The pixels in this map scale in size and color using the Python raster function in #ArcGIS. Try it out! Link in bio 📲 #python #esri #gis #maps #pixelart #raster by esrigram

via Instagram http://ift.tt/1Zd2KqD

Which button do you want to wear at #EsriUC? Go to esri.com/uc to vote 🗳 #esri #gis #swag #maps #data #3dGIS @sdconventionctr #vote #pinbackbuttons by esrigram

via Instagram http://ift.tt/24qVYo0

Why do you love GIS? Tbt, 2002. #esri #gis #esriuc by esrigram

via Instagram http://ift.tt/1Zd2JTo

Tuesday, 3 May 2016

Mapping Solutions, for all your GIS work and assistance 🌍 Anything from digitizing, geo - referencing, spatial analysis, gathering GPS points, importing data, field work, image classification and restoration Contact me and let's get in touch #geospatial #esrigram #esri #qgis #mappingsolutions #environment #digitizing #gis #polygon #gps #fieldwork #data #spatialanalysis #gisafrica #giseveryday #southafrica by mapping_solutions

via Instagram http://ift.tt/24wYK7P

Доброе утро, мир! 😊 💖 #GIS by anara_zhaparova

via Instagram http://ift.tt/1UxN0za

A credit card ad from long time ago. See more at: davidcarsonart.com ~~~ #davidcarsonart #graphicdesign #prints #design #typography #aigadesign #art #venice #type #advertising #handlettering by davidcarsonart

via Instagram http://ift.tt/1Y72V6A